Thank You to Our Speakers from 8/15/23 BrAIN Workshop

Quick Summary

  • Our BrAIN Workshop at UC Davis on August 15, 2023 was a huge success! A huge shoutout to our spectacular speakers and helper who made such a spectacular event possible.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for all the speakers' invaluable contributions to the BrAIN Workshop. Prof. S. J. Ben Yoo's, Cristina Davis's, Dr. Hal Greenwald's, Prof. Charan Ranganath's, Prof. Joy Geng's, Prof. Kris Bouchard's, Prof. Randy O’Reilly's, Luis El Srouji's, Prof. Wei Lu's, Prof. Joshua Yang's, Prof. Salleo's and Edoardo Tenna's and Prof. Jean Anne Incorvia's expertise, insights, and engaging presentations played a pivotal role in making the event a resounding success. Your dedication to advancing knowledge and sharing your expertise is truly commendable, and we are immensely thankful for your participation. For anyone who would like to access some of the speaker presentations from the workshop, please look at the table below that is presented below:

Presentation Speakers
Welcome and Introduction

Prof. S. J. Ben Yoo

AVCR Cristina Davis

Keynote: Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience

AFOSR Dr. Hal Greenwald

Motivation and Charges for Emergent Intelligence Workshop

Prof. S. J. Ben Yoo

Prof. Kris Bouchard

Emergent Intelligence--Neuroscience

Prof. Charan Ranganath

Prof. Joy Geng

Prof. Kris Bouchard

Prof. Randy O’Reilly

Luis El Srouji

Emergent Intelligence--Neuromorphic

Prof. Wei Lu: Intelligent Computing using Internal Device Dynamics

Prof. Joshua Yang: Neuromorphic Computing with Memristors and Memcapacitors

Prof. Salleo/Edoardo Tenna: Ionic Synapses and Neurons

Prof. Jean Anne Incorvia: Graphene Synapses

Prof. S. J. Ben Yoo: Optoelectronic Neurons and Photonic Synapses


Picture 1 from BrAIN Workshop
Picture 2 from BrAIN Workshop
Picture 3 from BrAIN Workshop